Sunday, July 24, 2011

Love Is In the Air!

One of the pieces to my story is love.  Yes- there is romantic love, but there is also the love between friends, parent/child, love for your country, etc. 

After so many weeks of listening to play lists: "Fighting Music" & "Battle Music", I am listening to "Novel Love Songs".  It is a nice change of pace.  One thing that I have to mention is that out of the 21 songs that are on the list- only three artists are Christian.  Which makes me wonder why more CM artists don't write love songs.  I'm not talking love songs to Jesus and God- because there are many of those- but love between two people.  I suppose "Already Over" and "Never Be the Same" by RED could go either way- but for the novel they are between two people.  Plumb and Switchfoot are the other two artists. 

Am I complaining?   Not at all--I just thought it was interesting...... 

One of the areas I am exploring is romantic love.  One character would be considered one of the bad guys- yet I am walking with him through the love he had for a woman - to the point that he gave up his freedom .  The more time I spend with him, the more I understand that love can be intense and frightening. 

It can also be hilarious!  Another couple are so mismatched....he is huge and she is tiny.  He is loud and she is more reserved.  They really don't see what everyone else does... they were made for each other!  He loves her with a sweetness that gets me every time. 

Love can hit with a force that is almost unexplainable.  A man takes one look at a woman and it is over for him....   And for another couple- it takes them a long time to figure the love thing out.  They were friends for a very long time and each at different times they come to the realization that they love the other person.  For me, it was interesting to think about that moment that you "know" you are in love with someone. 

Is my story a romance?  No- it's fantasy-adventure, but there is that romantic piece to it.  But I have also explored love of a parent for a child.  THAT has been interesting.  Yes- I have drawn on my experience as a parent for some of it, but when your child dies....that is something I have not walked through.  Or when you have to leave a child behind.  I have been gleaning stories of servicemen and women to help me get the emotion that comes with that. 

Love between friends is also explored -including love between soldiers.  I've interviewed men in the service and gotten their take on your 'unit' being your family and the lengths you would go to in order to keep each other safe and what it does to each person when they lose a soldier. 

There is also a 'higher power' element and the love that goes along with that.  It has challenged me and I have wrestled with it, but it has been an honor to do so. 

Today I would like to challenge you to look at the different facets of love in your own life.  How has each had an impact on who you are as a person?  If you have anything you'd like to share with me...please PM me on facebook or leave a comment here.  I'm still researching .....

I will leave you with Plumb's love song "Blush".

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