Monday, July 11, 2011

Girl Power!

I woke up this morning with Afton on my mind.  That's not a big deal considering she is my main character in my novel...but she is unique in the fact that most high adventure main characters are boys.  (Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, etc.)  Since the first day I came up with the idea for the story- she has been the hero of the story.  Sure- there are plenty of guys in the story, as a matter of fact Afton's best friend is a boy named Will, but she along with a few other girls, have the spotlight.

I had someone ask me if Afton was like Zena.  My reply?  No.  Afton is just a girl who find herself in the midst of a quest.  A quest she did not ask for and in a battle she did not start.  Along the way she finds herself in many different situations that help her to become the woman she was meant to be. 

I would have to say that my inspiration for Afton came from the voices of girls in books that I loved as a girl.  Heidi, Anne, Caddie, Laura, Jo, and Scout to name a few.  Here were strong girls that, in their own unique way, found their way into the hearts of those that read their stories.  In today's literature there are a whole new generation of strong girls: Bella, Clary, and Katniss- they too join the ranks of strong girls. 

I love that Afton loves sword fighting!  It is like breathing to her and I love that she is very accomplished at it.  She did have some natural talent for it, but also trained hard to become the warrior she is near the end.  That doesn't mean she is any less female just because she is good with a sword.  That's just her "thing".  Other girls in the story are good at other things; healing others, singing, speaking words of truth.  (There is another girl who is talented not just with the sword but with other weapons too!  She is a kick!) 
The thing I am learning through the creative process is that strength comes in many different forms.  One does not have to wield a sword to be powerful. 

All I have to do is look at the women and girls around me to know this truth. 
     I see power in the girl who is afraid to go to a new school, but gets the courage to do it and finds out she is stronger than she ever suspected! 
     I see the woman whose husband left, who is now raising her children on her own and taking chances she never dreamed of two years ago.
     I know several women who are finding that as they pick through the pieces of their former lives- they are finding shards that they are using to rebuild their lives and the lives of those around them.
    I love the women who use their creative voice to tell their story.  Be it through dance, poetry, jewelry making, sewing, or writing a novel, the women around me are not sitting in silence- they are letting their voices be heard! 

I get so emotional when I really think about the women in my past and in my present who have shared their lives with me.  You have all had a part in writing my novel, because you have spoken into my life.  I think of both my grandmothers, my mom, my friends in high school and college, my friends in several states, my former students, and the list goes on. 

So to all of those women and girls.....this blog is for YOU today!  Thank you for touching my life with your unique story and showing me the power you have.  I am so glad our paths have crossed! 

I am dedicating the song "Fire In My Eyes" by Fireflight  to all of you!

Here's to Girl Power!!

The book characters I referred to:
Heidi- "Heidi"
Anne- "Anne of Green Gables"
Caddie- "Caddie Woodlawn"
Laura- "Little House on the Prairie"
Jo- "Little Women"
Scout- "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Bella- "Breaking Dawn"
Clary-"City of Bones"
Katniss- "Hunger Games"

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