Saturday, July 2, 2011

Careful...or You'll End Up in My Novel

I am an observer.  I love to watch people- and I learned from the master.  My father was rather unassuming but he loved to people watch.  When he and mom went to Las Vegas it was no surprise to me that his favorite thing to do was watch the people in the lobby of the hotel they stayed in.  (He saw many bizarre people by the way...)  Through the years I have gleaned much from just stepping back and watching people.  Maybe that's why at first I may seem quiet or stuck up.  I'm not either of those things, but I am observing the situation.  It gives me a better idea of how to proceed.

Turns out this is an invaluable tool for writers.  Even though I write fiction, I pick up inspiration from watching people.  Not one single character is based on one person- but a mish-mash of physical, emotional, and verbal characteristics.  So when a dear friend of mine from Nebraska sent me a sign that reads "Careful.. or you'll end up in my novel" it was the truth.  If the people around me really knew what I have picked up from watching them....well I don't know if they would be honored or freaked out.  (so far no restraining orders have been issued against me!  LOL!) 

For example, last night at the fireworks display- I saw a very tiny girl sitting on an older man's shoulders.  The man was grinning from ear to ear and the itty-bitty was grabbing handfuls of his hair and giggling like mad.  As I watched them, my mind took note of the man's movement, his smile and the girl's laughter.  I know somewhere in my story an older man will have a small child on his shoulders with the same smile on his face.  That man will never know that his simple act of carrying the small girl (possibly his granddaughter?)  inspired a small scene in my novel. 

As I mentioned, not one single person in my story is based on a real person- but pieces of them.  For example- one of my main guys looks like the lead singer in Disciple- has the intensity and drive of Michael from RED- has the personality of my husband- and a voice similar to Josh Groban.  So is he any one of those folks?  Nope.  He is made up of pieces of them....and others too.

I have found that Cracker Barrel is a wonderful place to get ideas from.  On Christmas Eve last year there was a huge group of guys (all ages and sizes) hanging out and eating together.  The noise level was crazy and it was hard for me to focus on any one person -there was so many of them talking and telling stories.  Then the food came....and it became silent.  The noise didn't fade away- it simply stopped.  I fought the urge to laugh out loud!  As they ate- there were snippets of conversation- but not much.  I whipped my notebook out (I carry one or two of them everywhere....even small ones for my purse)  and wrote furiously.  I know it will end up somewhere in the novel.  Maybe the guys are eating in the Great Hall of a castle...I don't know..but it inspired me. 

If you are around me at all...chances are I have snatched something to use in my story.  I probably won't tell you because like I said my characters are their own creations, but when the day comes that you read my book, you may wonder about it. 

I have a set of twin brothers in my story and they have been so much fun to create.  I can tell you that they started out as inspiration from a band that I love....but they have evolved into their own personalities and I am so crazy about Thad and Zev!  I took a starting point and observed the real people- then I took some other things and created my characters. 

So don't need to be careful- chances are you are in my novel in some way, shape. or form.  And if you aren't in this one--you may be in the next!  LOL! 

I challenge you to look around today.  Just sit back and watch what's going on around you.  You don't have to be a writer to observe and get inspiration from others. 

By the way....when I finally found a picture of one of my bad guys- it didn't come from someone I knew, it came in a advertisement for men's clothes.  I opened up the mailbox and there he was, just waiting for me to notice him! 

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