This blog has been silent for almost nine months. No- I did not fall off the face of the earth, but on some days it felt like it. I am not going to use my blog to bash anyone or go into great detail about those nine months, but let's just say it was not a fun situation.
I have to say that I completed what I had to and am now free of this situation. I'm still in the recovery process but am feeling more like "me" every day. So how did I get through this tough time?
It's nothing earth shattering really. I prayed a lot. I had friends that listened to me "vent". I had a very supportive husband. I looked for quotes and Bible verses that encouraged me and I had my music. I don't know if I would have gotten through without all of those things.
There were days that I didn't know if I was going to get through things and I would find some song or verse or poem and take strength from that. Lots of songs by Thousand Foot Krutch, RED, Fireflight, and Nine Lashes spoke to what I was feeling and gave me the courage I needed.
Then there is the book. I hadn't typed one word on the actual manuscript since last year. The miraculous thing is that I DID do a lot of what I call "spinning"- taking notes on parts of the story that come after the first book. Ideas would come to me in the middle of some of my hardest days. These little bits of encouragement have blossomed into almost 100 pages of notes on my series. I have the ending pretty much plotted out and know where my heroine is going. For that I am thankful.
I am trying not to be bitter about what I just came out of. I want to be thankful that I made it through and that I ended well and on my terms. And now I just want to write.
A few days ago I found myself looking at my manuscript and while I read through the pages I kept thinking that this was the beginning of the journey and Afton and I were on. I know she is going to come up against some things that look impossible to get through. I always knew she would get through them- but I don't think I felt as if I could. Turns out.....I can.
I have talked to Rich about how I have the warrior spirit- the one that doesn't give up. The one that fights for their family, the one that believes in others. I have known it was there, but it seemed dormant. It's not anymore!!
This Warrior Writer is stepping out into the unknown and my goal is to finish this first book by Oct. 1st. Hopefully I will have some people look at it before then, but I have set my goal.
Now the fun part is the every day work to pull it off.
I will finish the book!!
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