Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eating Ice Cream From the Bucket

Wow!  It's been awhile since I have blogged.  It's May and that is always a busy month for school teachers.  I had a big event at school that went great and Ian's 5th Birthday was Thursday, so things have been going full tilt! 

That's not always a good thing though.  Sometimes when you get going too fast and flitting from one event to the next- you lose focus.  For me, it all came crashing down on Friday.  I had a horrible headache and the day of writing that I thought I would have turned into a day of feeling sorry for myself.  I allowed my thoughts to travel down dark roads and take me places I should have said "No thank you" to. 

After all the fun and games on Friday- I turned right around and got right back into the thick of things and ended up doing things Sat. out of obligation.  So this morning as I sat in church at the keyboard practicing for worship....I realized that I have not been taking time to rest and recharge. 

When we got home from church and another activity.....I knew things had to change.  I told the kids that they could watch a movie and play in their rooms and that Rich and I were going to watch "Return of the King".  For me that movie helps me to "re-boot" my system and also gives me inspiration for my writing.  My hubby and I had lunch while we watched and even popped popcorn. 

After three and a half hours of movie (about 4 and a half after kids interruptions) we were ready to move to the next phase....Eating ice cream right out of the ice cream bucket!  The kids thought it was the coolest thing in the world.  I thought it was about time to switch things up a little.  As  watched my son dig his spoon into the huge mound of chocolate chip ice cream I realized that we all need to "break the rules" once in awhile- kick back and let things go for a few hours. 

I'm such a list maker and dragon slayer that I rarely ever allow myself to do nothing at all.  I need to remind myself from time to time that I need the nothingness so that my brain and body can recharge and I can be a better wife, mother, teacher and writer. 

So have you had a chance to recharge?  Do you need to grab some spoons and eat some ice cream out of the bucket today?  I'm so glad that I did! 

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