Thursday, April 14, 2011

Signs Along the Way

I have to say that the last two weeks have been very surreal for me.  Just about every day I have run into a Bible verse, a person, a song, or something that has given me great encouragement as far as the novel is concerned. 

Two weeks ago, I met Liz Curtis Higgs and she gave me great writing tips and she was just a wonderful lady to meet!  Saturday I got to meet the Warden, whose writing is about as different from Liz's as can be- but when she talked to me, she also offered words of wisdom although a couple of those words would have to be censored!  She told me to follow what my characters are telling me and write what I see and not to give a @#$% what other people think!  And I needed to hear that- being the people pleaser that I am.  It is funny that in the space of 10 days I had a chance to meet two authors.  I could only think of two other authors I have ever met in person in my whole life!

So something is up.  Today, when our special speaker that I thought was going to talk about Dinosaurs and Noah's Ark began to talk about dragons......well I knew it was yet another sign for me to keep going with this book idea.  ( He had pictures of dragons on cave walls, in art, in sculpture.... it was crazy!)  After that, I should have not been the least bit surprised when the speaker flashed a bible verse that had a raven in it on the screen.  (I mean, if he was going to talk about two animals in my book those would be the two..) 

I've tried a new brainstorming idea too.  I have such a hard time visualizing things and thought that I would try index cards and put them on the kitchen table and when I am talking to Rich about concepts or characters, I could move the cards around and that would help.  Turns out, not only does it help, but it has broken some things wide open!  I am so glad I finally figured out what works for me.

I have been paying attention- the signs are everywhere!  I told Rich last night that I feel a little like Elijah when God provided food for him in the wilderness.  I keep getting what I need every day. 

Oh- did I happen to mention that ravens brought Elijah the food?  Yes- I said ravens. 

Are you paying attention to the signs all around YOU?  I encourage you to look for them and see how you are being provided for and sustained.  It just may be enough to get you through another day.  Your signs may not be ravens or dragons or authors; but you will know them when you see them. 

Open your eyes! 

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