Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome to Crazyville: Living with a Writer

I have been thinking back over the past two years and I would have to say that things in our household have changed because of the novel.  I have my little space in the living room where I have all of my "stuff":  My large basket with my notebooks and sketchbooks in it.  Various pictures and quotes plastered to the front of my writing desk.  Keeping watch over me from their perch on the top of the desk are a raven and a dragon.  (not real of course!) 

Much more than these small physical changes are what has taken place in our family dynamics.  "The Book" is a phrase that is well used around our house.  "Mommy needs to work on the Book today."  "The music is blasting because Colette is working on the Book."  "Come act this out for me, I need to "see" it for the Book." 

This process has brought Rich and I much closer.  He is my brain storming partner- the one who helps talk me through ideas- the one who listens to what I write.  He KNOWS these characters!  Yesterday, he helped me to plot out a temple that the bad guys use for their ceremonies-he drew plans and even found a virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel for me to look at!  He has been awesome through all of this!

Driving in the van is a huge brainstorming place for me.  The kids know that if I have my music on- to let me have my silence.  They are pretty good about it too.  They are also used to if I am visualizing a scene in the story-I may play a song over and over and over.  Sometimes they love it and sometimes they don't! 

There are many parts in the story where I need real people to help me see in the physical what I see in my head.  I have had my family do various things for me including but not limited to:  sword fighting, jumping, running and other things.  One of my favorite things I asked my daughter and my husband to act out a scene where a man takes a girl and drags her into the forest.  I watched and watched as they did the same actions over and over until my daughter asked, "Is daddy finished kidnapping me yet?"  Yep that is normal around here.

I have learned to preface my questions or comments with "I'm thinking book now..."  or "I'm in the novel now".  Otherwise it is confusing or downright disturbing to whoever is listening to me.  "If I were to stab you with a dagger in my right hand where could I do the most damage?"  or "If you had wings, how would your cloak have to be altered?"  or "How does dragon fire differ from regular fire?"

Speaking of fire....last year our backyard neighbors' field caught on fire.  My friend was dialing 911 and I was reaching for my video camera!  I wanted to get pictures of how fire burns and see how it moved.  "Research"  I said to my friend.  I say that word often. 

I have become an observer of other people too.  A sign above my desk reads:  "Be Careful-You May End up in My Novel."  That is so true.  My characters are a mixture of many people- real and imaginary.  I will often say "That person reminds me of Derrick."  or "She has Afton's eyes."  It's just normal now. 

I'm sure I will be blogging about more of this again another time- it's been a huge change for us but a fun one too!  Crazy?  You bet!  Would I change one moment of it?  No way! 

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