Thursday, February 3, 2011

Listen to Your Rice Krispies

I felt that today I needed to talk about breakfast cereal.: in particular- Rice Krispies.  My son Ian, loves to fill his bowl, pour the milk on and listen to the snap, crackle, pop.  He seems amazed every time that he can hear that distinct sound. 

I read other author's suggestions to beginning writers, and one said: "Listen to your Rice Krispies."  She then went on to explain what that comment meant.  She said that each writer knows things about their storyline, characters, plot, etc. that no one else knows.  When it comes to making decisions on these things, she suggested to listen to that voice inside that tells you if it's "right" for the story. 

For example- early on I knew that one of my characters has to die.  I didn't like that idea- but it's what I saw.  I'm sure that others may not agree with this, but I know that in order for the story line to get where it needs to go; this HAS to happen.  It may not be a popular element to include- but I'm doing it anyway. 

I've talked about my unexpected character and my choice I had to make at taking him out or leaving him in.  While I was struggling with this, my husband asked. "What do your Rice Krispies say?"  I knew then that I was going to leave this character and see where it took me.  I'm glad I did as this person has opened up things I wouldn't have gotten into if he were not in the story. 

The farther I get into this process, the easier it is to listen to my breakfast cereal!  LOL!  I'm learning that it takes practice and patience.  (something I'm not very good at sometimes)  I have to admit that this little gem of advice is one of the best ones I've gotten from any author. 

So now I'm passing it on to you.  I'm sure it can be applied other places than writing.  It's all about listening to that still small voice inside.  One thing though- just as you have to pour milk on Rice Krispies to get them to pop, you need to pour on whatever your passion is- whatever your creativity is- in order to even hear the sound.  Today- my challenge to you is to listen to YOUR Rice Krispies. 

Tomorrow I get to cross off another thing on my Bucket List.  I'm sure I'll be writing all about meeting RED and the insights I gathered from spending time with them.  Dream big!

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