Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome to my Writing Blog!

Welcome!  I have had so many people ask me about the novel that I am currently writing, so I decided to start a blog that explains my day by day process.  I'll also attempt to answer questions that I've been asked over the past few months.  This is my first shot at writing anything like this and it's been quite the journey so far.  I won't be sharing much about the story line- characters- etc.  But I will talk about what I'm listening to, word count, quotes that I come across and other fun things.  If you have been following me on FaceBook, this will be more in depth. 
This story began in my head over 15 years ago when I was doing a writing activity with my fifth grade students.  We were working on how to create a character and I ended up creating one of my villans.  He's been lurking around in my head all of this time and I never knew what to do with him.  I tried to start a story at that time and it didn't feel right.  I kept the idea in my mind, but went on to other things.  After major surgery almost 2 years ago I tried the story idea again and the words flew!  I knew who one of the villans would be, I now needed some good guys, more bad guys, a setting, political things, a quest, etc.  Sounds impossible...I know.  Tomorrow I'll share about how it all began and how my main girl came to be.  Thanks again for checking out this blog!  Have a good one!

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