A few months ago I got an interesting fortune in my fortune cookie. It said, "The smart thing is to prepare for the unexpected." For some reason I put it above my computer so I could see it while I write. I didn't think much about it until I was writing a scene in my novel where my small band of travelers were attacked by something. It was dark and I couldn't "see" what it was until a torch was brought close and when I could finally see what it was I was simply stunned.
I have to honestly say that I thought I had lost my mind and I almost wrote this character out of the scene. I wanted to change this person into something other than what I pictured in my mind. My eyes went to the fortune and I knew what I had to do. I was dealing with the unexpected...but had I prepared? I didn't know as I wrote the rest of the scene. I let it play out and ended up dealing with something I had not planned.
An animal also made his debut in this same scene. A raven. I'm not much of a bird person so I had no idea what the raven had to do with anything. I knew Poe's poem "The Raven", but not much else. I ended up doing research on the bird and found out that the raven is a symbol of death, but also that it's very intelligent and somewhat of a prankster. They are social birds- they are not loners.
The more I read, the more I was becoming hooked. I decided to do a writing exercise where I wrote a POV (point of view) of my character, but I put myself into the scene. My unexpected character wanted to show me his world and I agreed. I wrote down things as I saw them and ended up with over 40 pages of what I call, "Down the Rabbit Hole". I was able to come up with a whole other side to my story. The bad guys have their side too!
In honor of writing this POV I ended up buying a painting of a raven. He's on the wall watching me and reminding me that sometimes the unexpected is exactly what is needed. The raven is firmly entrenched in this tale and he brought his friends along. I'm sure I will be writing about this bird again sometime...but that's how I became the Raven Writer.
Today I want to ask about how you handle the unexpected things in your life. Do you cast them aside? Do you freak out like I did? Or do you take a minute to embrace what you hadn't planned on to see if it has a lesson to teach you? I'm glad that I ended up embracing that which I feared and including the raven as well as the other unexpected character. I know it made a difference in the story.
Next time- Writing with kids!

Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I've Got the Music In Me
People have asked me about the importance of music as it applies to my writing. I would have to say that it's the thing that drives my writing, without it I doubt there would be much of a story.
There was never a time that I remember that didn't involve music. My Grandma Lil was a piano teacher and I remember playing her baby grand piano and hiding underneath it. My mom played show tune records on her record player or she had the radio on. I grew up playing the piano and violin and singing all of the time. Music is like breathing- I need it!
Needless to say, I have a very extensive playlist on my ipod for the novel. Although I love RED, they are not the only band that plays in my ear. Also I have many Celtic instrumental songs as well as contemporary piano songs that have helped inspire me and given me "flashes" of scenes. I have Andrew Belle, Josh Groban, the Fray, and Lifehouse for the quieter moments. And Chris Tomlin and David Crowder Band for the spiritual side. But for the most part I have bands like Thousand Foot Krutch, Fireflight, , Pillar, Switchfoot, Flyleaf, Disciple, and of course RED.
These bands have (for the most part) a positive message but most of their songs help me to envision the warrior spirit that permeates this story. Songs like "Bullet Soul" -Switchfoot "Not Without A Fight" -Pillar "Beautiful Bride" - Flyleaf 'Bounce" -TFK and "Breathe Into Me" - RED are straight out loud rockin songs that help me to see sword play, fighting , etc. It would be hard to get the feeling of that if I had Josh Groban playing in my ear! (Sorry Josh)
Although I am a Believer and most of my play list is positive, I found it impossible to write about the bad guys with most Christian based music. (Thousand Foot Krutch being one exception.) I found that bands like We Are the Fallen, Papa Roach, Blue October, and 30 Seconds to Mars had songs that helped me to picture the not so positive stuff. 30 Seconds has a song called "Hunter" that usually freaks me out. The lyrics sum up one of the lead villains but it's a trippy song. They also have "vox Populi" and Kings and Queens" which have helped me visualize war scenes. We Are the Fallen's "I Am Only One" put emotion into a scene where Afton is at her lowest.
Bottom line is- music speaks to me. I hope that's one thing that I pass on to my kids. I hope they remember singing and being surrounded by music.
Today I challenge you to find a few songs that have a good memories for you and play them! (I have a couple of 80's songs in mind) Next time I will talk about the raven that came into my life and how that changed my story. Until then...enjoy the music!
There was never a time that I remember that didn't involve music. My Grandma Lil was a piano teacher and I remember playing her baby grand piano and hiding underneath it. My mom played show tune records on her record player or she had the radio on. I grew up playing the piano and violin and singing all of the time. Music is like breathing- I need it!
Needless to say, I have a very extensive playlist on my ipod for the novel. Although I love RED, they are not the only band that plays in my ear. Also I have many Celtic instrumental songs as well as contemporary piano songs that have helped inspire me and given me "flashes" of scenes. I have Andrew Belle, Josh Groban, the Fray, and Lifehouse for the quieter moments. And Chris Tomlin and David Crowder Band for the spiritual side. But for the most part I have bands like Thousand Foot Krutch, Fireflight, , Pillar, Switchfoot, Flyleaf, Disciple, and of course RED.
These bands have (for the most part) a positive message but most of their songs help me to envision the warrior spirit that permeates this story. Songs like "Bullet Soul" -Switchfoot "Not Without A Fight" -Pillar "Beautiful Bride" - Flyleaf 'Bounce" -TFK and "Breathe Into Me" - RED are straight out loud rockin songs that help me to see sword play, fighting , etc. It would be hard to get the feeling of that if I had Josh Groban playing in my ear! (Sorry Josh)
Although I am a Believer and most of my play list is positive, I found it impossible to write about the bad guys with most Christian based music. (Thousand Foot Krutch being one exception.) I found that bands like We Are the Fallen, Papa Roach, Blue October, and 30 Seconds to Mars had songs that helped me to picture the not so positive stuff. 30 Seconds has a song called "Hunter" that usually freaks me out. The lyrics sum up one of the lead villains but it's a trippy song. They also have "vox Populi" and Kings and Queens" which have helped me visualize war scenes. We Are the Fallen's "I Am Only One" put emotion into a scene where Afton is at her lowest.
Bottom line is- music speaks to me. I hope that's one thing that I pass on to my kids. I hope they remember singing and being surrounded by music.
Today I challenge you to find a few songs that have a good memories for you and play them! (I have a couple of 80's songs in mind) Next time I will talk about the raven that came into my life and how that changed my story. Until then...enjoy the music!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Star Wars, Horses and Planet of the Apes
Yesterday's post was hard to write- this one will be more fun! It's all about what I like- what inspires me and has made me who I am. First of all, I have always been a horse freak. A far back as I can remember I've loved them! When I was in kindergarten I got my first Breyer horse and I was hooked....I think I have over 40 of them in a box downstairs. I proudly displayed them in my bedroom for years. My grandpa also had horses so I learned to ride and care for them.
It should be no surprise that there are horses in my story and that one is a central character. He came on the scene fairly early on in the process and made himself right at home! A writing tip I got at a writing workshop was to not have horses in your story if you knew nothing about them. I agree and am glad that I know quite a bit about these animals. One big dream I have is to someday have a place that takes in abused and abandoned horses and rehabilitates them while pairing them up with kids with disabilities.
People have commented that I march to the beat of a different drummer- and I have to admit that I do. I always have. I remember in first grade the other girls at recess playing chase or on the monkey bars, but I played "Planet of the Apes" with the boys! At the time the TV series was out and I loved it! I got the Planet of the Apes board game for Christmas in the second grade and was so excited! I'm not sure what it was that attracted me, but I loved the story.
I was about 10 when "Star Wars" came out and my family went to the movie theatre to see it. I couldn't believe that such a movie existed! I loved it! It had strange characters in it, it was in space, it had a great bad guy, it had it all! I loved the Good vs. Evil. (and a HUGE crush on Han Solo!) I saved my allowance so that I could go again. (and again and again) My parents didn't want me to go alone- so they made my little brother Shane go with me. (Sorry Bro!) I had the figures, bath towel, etc. I loved that movie!
The point is that I can look back on the things that have influenced me and see them in the story. If I would have been a girlie girl, I would have a completely different story. But I am who I am and the story is what it is. It's full of swords, dragons, magic, fighting, falling in love, castles, and horses. There is a Good vs. Evil and a quest and a process of finding oneself in the journey.
I can give a shout out to movies like Braveheart, Princess Bride, the Matrix, Say Anything, Ever After, Star Wars (first three), West Side Story, Robin Hood and many others who inspired me.
A few weeks ago I felt like I was losing the feeling of the Middle Ages- so I watched Tristan and Isolde, First Knight and Ever After. Then I felt a little more grounded in my story.
The thing I want to stress today is the importance of the things that have inspired you and what makes you what you are. God has designed you to be just who you are....instead of looking around at what He's doing with other people- look at what He's doing in your life. What are the things that you love? What moves you? Look at that and be encouraged!
Tomorrow I will post about music and how important it has been in the writing process. Until then, May the Force Be With You!
It should be no surprise that there are horses in my story and that one is a central character. He came on the scene fairly early on in the process and made himself right at home! A writing tip I got at a writing workshop was to not have horses in your story if you knew nothing about them. I agree and am glad that I know quite a bit about these animals. One big dream I have is to someday have a place that takes in abused and abandoned horses and rehabilitates them while pairing them up with kids with disabilities.
People have commented that I march to the beat of a different drummer- and I have to admit that I do. I always have. I remember in first grade the other girls at recess playing chase or on the monkey bars, but I played "Planet of the Apes" with the boys! At the time the TV series was out and I loved it! I got the Planet of the Apes board game for Christmas in the second grade and was so excited! I'm not sure what it was that attracted me, but I loved the story.
I was about 10 when "Star Wars" came out and my family went to the movie theatre to see it. I couldn't believe that such a movie existed! I loved it! It had strange characters in it, it was in space, it had a great bad guy, it had it all! I loved the Good vs. Evil. (and a HUGE crush on Han Solo!) I saved my allowance so that I could go again. (and again and again) My parents didn't want me to go alone- so they made my little brother Shane go with me. (Sorry Bro!) I had the figures, bath towel, etc. I loved that movie!
The point is that I can look back on the things that have influenced me and see them in the story. If I would have been a girlie girl, I would have a completely different story. But I am who I am and the story is what it is. It's full of swords, dragons, magic, fighting, falling in love, castles, and horses. There is a Good vs. Evil and a quest and a process of finding oneself in the journey.
I can give a shout out to movies like Braveheart, Princess Bride, the Matrix, Say Anything, Ever After, Star Wars (first three), West Side Story, Robin Hood and many others who inspired me.
A few weeks ago I felt like I was losing the feeling of the Middle Ages- so I watched Tristan and Isolde, First Knight and Ever After. Then I felt a little more grounded in my story.
The thing I want to stress today is the importance of the things that have inspired you and what makes you what you are. God has designed you to be just who you are....instead of looking around at what He's doing with other people- look at what He's doing in your life. What are the things that you love? What moves you? Look at that and be encouraged!
Tomorrow I will post about music and how important it has been in the writing process. Until then, May the Force Be With You!
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Man Who Knew I Was a Writer....
I can't begin to talk much about writing without mentioning my dad. Tim St.Onge was a strict man and when I was a kid, I was afraid of him...but I still loved him. As an adult, I was able to lay the past aside and walk through a time of forgiveness with him. After that, we became great friends. I don't know how many times I would have a tough day teaching school and call him that night to vent. He would listen and then possibly offer some kind of solution or have some story to tie in to what I was dealing with.
Every time I would write a play for my fifth graders, or a poem for someone, or a short story, he would mention writing a novel. I would tell him he was crazy and we'd argue the point for a few minutes and the subject would get dropped. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer in 1997, the subject came up more often. "Write what you know," he'd say.
I tried. I tried to write down things from my childhood, teaching stories, etc. But I always would stop. It would never go anywhere. The last time I ever saw him where he could still communicate, he made me promise I would write that novel one day. Of course I promised. In that moment I would have promised him anything....
When he died in Sept. of 1998, I was lost. My biggest fan was gone and I didn't know how to function. I didn't write much of anything until I finally wrote a poem called "Empty Chair" in his memory. Slowly the writing returned and I did have an idea for a Middle Ages type High Fantasy book, but I gave up after a few weeks.
Almost two years ago the idea for that story came back. It bothered me because my dad had always told me to write what I know. I didn't live in the Middle Ages, so how could I write about it? But I had done research on that time period many years for my unit I did for Fifth Grade. I've always loved dragons, horses, swords, castles, Celtic stuff, myths, etc. So I began to wonder if this was what I knew?
By then I figured I had nothing to lose, so I began to build the story again.....and this time it worked. I have to believe that he is looking down smiling at all of this. The joke was on me. I was trying to write something that wasn't in me....now I am.
It's no secret that I will dedicate this first book to my dad. A part of the dedication talks about how he heard the sound of dragon wings long before I did....and it's true.
Who or what inspires you? Who is someone who supports you and cheers you on? If they are still on this planet- talk to them today and let them know. It will make their day! Next post....other things that have inspired me- including "Planet of the Apes".
Every time I would write a play for my fifth graders, or a poem for someone, or a short story, he would mention writing a novel. I would tell him he was crazy and we'd argue the point for a few minutes and the subject would get dropped. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer in 1997, the subject came up more often. "Write what you know," he'd say.
I tried. I tried to write down things from my childhood, teaching stories, etc. But I always would stop. It would never go anywhere. The last time I ever saw him where he could still communicate, he made me promise I would write that novel one day. Of course I promised. In that moment I would have promised him anything....
When he died in Sept. of 1998, I was lost. My biggest fan was gone and I didn't know how to function. I didn't write much of anything until I finally wrote a poem called "Empty Chair" in his memory. Slowly the writing returned and I did have an idea for a Middle Ages type High Fantasy book, but I gave up after a few weeks.
Almost two years ago the idea for that story came back. It bothered me because my dad had always told me to write what I know. I didn't live in the Middle Ages, so how could I write about it? But I had done research on that time period many years for my unit I did for Fifth Grade. I've always loved dragons, horses, swords, castles, Celtic stuff, myths, etc. So I began to wonder if this was what I knew?
By then I figured I had nothing to lose, so I began to build the story again.....and this time it worked. I have to believe that he is looking down smiling at all of this. The joke was on me. I was trying to write something that wasn't in me....now I am.
It's no secret that I will dedicate this first book to my dad. A part of the dedication talks about how he heard the sound of dragon wings long before I did....and it's true.
Who or what inspires you? Who is someone who supports you and cheers you on? If they are still on this planet- talk to them today and let them know. It will make their day! Next post....other things that have inspired me- including "Planet of the Apes".
Thursday, January 27, 2011
RED- What's Up With This Band?
This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions I get. "Why are you such a RED fan?"
First of all, we are called "RED Heads" and I'm only one of many who love this band. I came across them early on in my writing adventure. I think I was downloading some itunes and the band came up as a suggestion. I downloaded a couple of songs and really liked them.
What happened next was almost mystical. I was listening to a song called "Let Go" and I had images flash in my head- almost like a movie. I could "see" what was happening- what the people involved were wearing, their facial expressions, the setting they were in, etc. It sorta freaked me out at first...but once I figured out what it was and that this was a way I could be creative, it didn't seem so strange.
Although I listen and use many other bands for inspiration (I'll save that post for another day) RED has by far been integral in helping me to form major parts of the story. They are my muse, if you will. Almost every song on their first album "End of Silence" helped me form a scene in the storyline or a feeling of a scene. Their second album, "Innocence and Instinct" allowed me to go deeper into aspects of the story and one song "The Fight Inside" helped me to write a POV (Point of View) of a character that dies. That was a tough one, but I kept the song playing over and over as I wrote.
I've talked to some writers that use music this way, and some that don't. What I'm learning is that every author approaches their story in a way that works for them. Using songs to inspire me is what works for ME. I'm not suggesting it in general because it may not be what works for you. But RED has worked for me.
I have had the chance to hear some of the songs off their new album "Until We Have Faces" which is out Feb. 1st. There is one song in particular which is helping me to piece together four months of the storyline that has stood silent. RED has given that part of my story a voice- and a very beautiful one at that. "Hymn For the Missing" is very emotional for me. The first time I heard it I knew it was Afton's song....
I have had the chance to see RED twice, Once in Indy, and once at Headliners in Louisville. Thanks to two of my BFF's- I was able to be in the second row from the stage and meet them afterwards. I gave them a letter thanking them for what their music meant to me and said "Seriously" a lot! It was one of the best nights of my life! (After my marriage to my wonderful hubby and the birth of my two kids) It was on my bucket list to actually be backstage and hear them play a song..but that didn't happen.
But....next Friday it will! I'm going to be one of six people that will get to meet them before the concert and hang out a little. Of course I will be giving them another letter, because although I love to talk- I get tongue tied around them! (Just ask Pam and Cassie, they will tell you!) But when someone creates something that moves you, I think it's awesome to be able to thank them!
So that's what's up with RED! And because of them I have gotten into lots of other groups like them. (Who says the hard rock groups are just for teenagers??) Tomorrow I think I will talk about my Dad and the influence he's had on this novel.
Here's to marking something off my Bucket List next Friday!
Here's a pic of me with RED last Feb.
First of all, we are called "RED Heads" and I'm only one of many who love this band. I came across them early on in my writing adventure. I think I was downloading some itunes and the band came up as a suggestion. I downloaded a couple of songs and really liked them.
What happened next was almost mystical. I was listening to a song called "Let Go" and I had images flash in my head- almost like a movie. I could "see" what was happening- what the people involved were wearing, their facial expressions, the setting they were in, etc. It sorta freaked me out at first...but once I figured out what it was and that this was a way I could be creative, it didn't seem so strange.
Although I listen and use many other bands for inspiration (I'll save that post for another day) RED has by far been integral in helping me to form major parts of the story. They are my muse, if you will. Almost every song on their first album "End of Silence" helped me form a scene in the storyline or a feeling of a scene. Their second album, "Innocence and Instinct" allowed me to go deeper into aspects of the story and one song "The Fight Inside" helped me to write a POV (Point of View) of a character that dies. That was a tough one, but I kept the song playing over and over as I wrote.
I've talked to some writers that use music this way, and some that don't. What I'm learning is that every author approaches their story in a way that works for them. Using songs to inspire me is what works for ME. I'm not suggesting it in general because it may not be what works for you. But RED has worked for me.
I have had the chance to hear some of the songs off their new album "Until We Have Faces" which is out Feb. 1st. There is one song in particular which is helping me to piece together four months of the storyline that has stood silent. RED has given that part of my story a voice- and a very beautiful one at that. "Hymn For the Missing" is very emotional for me. The first time I heard it I knew it was Afton's song....
I have had the chance to see RED twice, Once in Indy, and once at Headliners in Louisville. Thanks to two of my BFF's- I was able to be in the second row from the stage and meet them afterwards. I gave them a letter thanking them for what their music meant to me and said "Seriously" a lot! It was one of the best nights of my life! (After my marriage to my wonderful hubby and the birth of my two kids) It was on my bucket list to actually be backstage and hear them play a song..but that didn't happen.
But....next Friday it will! I'm going to be one of six people that will get to meet them before the concert and hang out a little. Of course I will be giving them another letter, because although I love to talk- I get tongue tied around them! (Just ask Pam and Cassie, they will tell you!) But when someone creates something that moves you, I think it's awesome to be able to thank them!
So that's what's up with RED! And because of them I have gotten into lots of other groups like them. (Who says the hard rock groups are just for teenagers??) Tomorrow I think I will talk about my Dad and the influence he's had on this novel.
Here's to marking something off my Bucket List next Friday!
Here's a pic of me with RED last Feb.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I was going to wait until tomorrow to talk about my main character in my novel, but I thought I'd go ahead and share. I knew what she looked like very early on, but she didn't have a name. One day I was listening to a Bruce Honrsby and the Range song "Mandolin Rain". I thought the line was "Afton, she'd smile...." which I now know is "I laughed and she'd smile..." I thought that the name Afton would work well for my main girl. It's a Celtic name, which is a very important part of the story- and it seemed to "fit" her. It cracks me up now that I named my central character from incorrect lyrics, but that's the way it goes sometimes!
I have had people ask me why I went with a girl for my central person in the story. My answer is this: There are so many great male heroes in literature, and that's great, but I wanted a girl to be center stage! It has been a journey of discovery to write a high adventure story from a girl's perspective.
I was talking to my husband last night and we were discussing how in less than two years I have put together characters, animals, places, political issues, and all of the other things this kind of story needs. ( Including maps and a vocabulary list!) On the days that I want to throw up my hands and give up, it's good to look at where I've been. I remember when I had written the first half of the first chapter and Afton and her best friend ran into a clearing and I had to stop. I had NO idea what was there in that clearing! It bothered me for days. When I finally sat down one day and it came to me, I marveled at how in the world I had figured it out. Now I know that what I saw was the only thing that could have been in the clearing...but at the time it could have been anything.
My encouragement to you today is to not get so freaked out about where you are heading! Take a moment to look back and see just how far you have come!
Tomorrow I will talk about the band RED and why I'm always going on and on and on about them. There is a good reason. Check back in and find out! Until then--take care!
I have had people ask me why I went with a girl for my central person in the story. My answer is this: There are so many great male heroes in literature, and that's great, but I wanted a girl to be center stage! It has been a journey of discovery to write a high adventure story from a girl's perspective.
I was talking to my husband last night and we were discussing how in less than two years I have put together characters, animals, places, political issues, and all of the other things this kind of story needs. ( Including maps and a vocabulary list!) On the days that I want to throw up my hands and give up, it's good to look at where I've been. I remember when I had written the first half of the first chapter and Afton and her best friend ran into a clearing and I had to stop. I had NO idea what was there in that clearing! It bothered me for days. When I finally sat down one day and it came to me, I marveled at how in the world I had figured it out. Now I know that what I saw was the only thing that could have been in the clearing...but at the time it could have been anything.
My encouragement to you today is to not get so freaked out about where you are heading! Take a moment to look back and see just how far you have come!
Tomorrow I will talk about the band RED and why I'm always going on and on and on about them. There is a good reason. Check back in and find out! Until then--take care!
Welcome to my Writing Blog!
Welcome! I have had so many people ask me about the novel that I am currently writing, so I decided to start a blog that explains my day by day process. I'll also attempt to answer questions that I've been asked over the past few months. This is my first shot at writing anything like this and it's been quite the journey so far. I won't be sharing much about the story line- characters- etc. But I will talk about what I'm listening to, word count, quotes that I come across and other fun things. If you have been following me on FaceBook, this will be more in depth.
This story began in my head over 15 years ago when I was doing a writing activity with my fifth grade students. We were working on how to create a character and I ended up creating one of my villans. He's been lurking around in my head all of this time and I never knew what to do with him. I tried to start a story at that time and it didn't feel right. I kept the idea in my mind, but went on to other things. After major surgery almost 2 years ago I tried the story idea again and the words flew! I knew who one of the villans would be, I now needed some good guys, more bad guys, a setting, political things, a quest, etc. Sounds impossible...I know. Tomorrow I'll share about how it all began and how my main girl came to be. Thanks again for checking out this blog! Have a good one!
This story began in my head over 15 years ago when I was doing a writing activity with my fifth grade students. We were working on how to create a character and I ended up creating one of my villans. He's been lurking around in my head all of this time and I never knew what to do with him. I tried to start a story at that time and it didn't feel right. I kept the idea in my mind, but went on to other things. After major surgery almost 2 years ago I tried the story idea again and the words flew! I knew who one of the villans would be, I now needed some good guys, more bad guys, a setting, political things, a quest, etc. Sounds impossible...I know. Tomorrow I'll share about how it all began and how my main girl came to be. Thanks again for checking out this blog! Have a good one!
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