Today is our 23rd Wedding Anniversary. As I think about that, I am reminded that I was only 21 years old when I promised to love and honor in good times and bad, sickness and health and all the other promises we made that day.
My 21 year old self did not know what would be embedded in those 23 years. I knew we wanted children but did not think it would take 13 years for that to happen. I had no idea that we would live in seven different communities, both of us graduated from college, have two cats and three dogs, and that I would lose my dad at 32.
No- there were a lot of things my 21 year old self did not know. Like how much work it takes to keep communication going in a relationship. How much you have to give of yourself, or how loud your new husband would SNORE!! LOL~
But that 21 year old also had no idea of what a wonderful man she had. She had no idea of the caliber of man she had chosen. How he would support her and encourage her and make her laugh when things seemed hopeless, and how all these years later- she would still adore him. She could not have imagined how many times he would pray with and for her, and the little surprises he would shower on her.
I remember one Christmas that Rich sent me on a scavenger hunt and ended with a huge box. I kept opening and opening as the boxes got smaller and smaller until I opened a key. The key opened a drawer in our computer cabinet and inside was a ring box with a sapphire ring inside! I still don't know how he managed to afford it or hide it- but he did.
I would tell that 21 year old girl that when she would journey through one of the darkest times in her life (her grandma, grandpa and dad would all die in less than 5 months) that her husband would be right there holding her up, crying with her, and helping her through the mind-numbing pain. He would also be there for two of the greatest days ever....the day Kendall was born and the day Ian was born. How he cut each of their umbilical cords and was right there while they were weighed and measured. How he rejoiced in each child and how he continues to love and guide each of them now.
I think that in another 23 years what my 67 year old self will say to the 44 year old who is typing this now. What other sorrows and joys will we have walked through together?
All I can say is that 23 years ago my life was joined with another....and I am honored and humbled to have walked this journey with him....
I love you Rich!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Super Heroes are my Friends!
I've been trying to give myself some time off now that school is out and try and "dial down". What I did not bargain for was this past week.
I'm usually a very positive person and don't get too negative or depressed about things. And then this week happened. We really thought that my husband would get the job he had interviewed for which would bring some welcome relief to this 5 months of unemployment. I had auditioned for a show that I had always wanted to do and I had tickets to see my favorite band in the entire universe...RED. I had also planned on really getting on with my writing.
So- the hubby did not get the job- I did not get a part in the show- RED cancelled their concert- and I did not write much of anything. Yay! It seemed as if nothing was going according to my plan.
Here's what I am realizing this morning....we got to spend some time with a neat couple in the town my husband had the job interview in. We learned more about them and that they are the most gracious hosts you could ever want. I did my best at the tryouts and have no control at the outcome. It was simply not to be this time. But I do have some wonderful friends that I have met through drama and just because I am not in the show doesn't mean I will lose them. Some of my best pals in the world were with me when we found out the RED show was cancelled and they pooled their money together to buy me a necklace at the mall that has some symbols of my book on it. (cross, skull, lock, a wing, and a heart) They knew I was sooo disappointed and bummed out and showed their love for me by buying it.
When I got home last night, my best friend in all the world was there to listen to me share my feelings about all the crap that happened this week. I am so proud to say that next Saturday I will have been married to this friend for 23 years!
I got on Facebook last night to post what had happened and to check out what the band was saying about the cancellation. What it boiled down to was the venue was not safe. It was in a rough neighborhood- which is not a complete deal breaker with me- but the fact that it was dirty and had human waste on the floor of the bathrooms and the sound system was shot....was a deal breaker. I figured that RED did what was in the best interest of the fans. Yes I was bummed- but in the grand scheme of things...this was for our safety.
People from the venue had been posting things on their site that were not very nice at I posted that I still loved RED (which I do) and that we had talked to people that worked in the mall that had told us the venue was not great. Another fan liked my status and sent me a private message. After messaging each other I find out that RED is her ultimate favorite band, she has done the Acoustic Experience (met them on the tour bus) has kids, and is writing her first novel.
Yes- you saw that right...not only had I met a fellow REDhead- I had (through the cancellation of the show) just "met" someone who I could relate to. My fingers could not type fast enough to reply to her. I'm not sure what will happen with this...but I do know that I have another person to call my friend- and she is in good company.
I have learned this week that friends are what it's all about. I am finally beginning to get it through my thick skull that the best of friends will stick with you no matter what you are going through. No matter what your attitude is or if you yell because you are trying to deal with the emotions, or if you feel like pulling away..they will hold your arms so that you can't run.
Another friend gave me a coin that has a very Celtic looking cross on it on one side and the words on the other side read; "With God, all things are possible". Someone had walked into the store she was working in and gave it to her. She had just gotten finished reading my notes of FB about what a crummy week I had and Friday night she gave it to me at our Girls Night Out. I was deeply moved by her gift, just as I was with the ladies buying the necklace last night, and my husband waiting up for me last night so I could vent my feelings to him. Even through the mess of the cancelled RED show last night...I made a new friend.
No one lives in a vacuum. We all need people around us to encourage and support us. Until this week I did not realize how important our friends are- not only in the great times, but in the dark times.
It's funny- as I am typing this on our back deck, my raven pair is going crazy this morning. They are calling to each other and flying and dive bombing and moving from tree to tree. They are two sleek black encouragers sent by the Ultimate Friend to let me know to keep going with my writing. To keep sitting in that seat day after day after day and write.
So you see....they are all my Super Heroes! I love you guys!
Do you have friends that are there not only in the good times, but the tough ones too? Let them know today what they mean to you! You won't be sorry you did!
I'm usually a very positive person and don't get too negative or depressed about things. And then this week happened. We really thought that my husband would get the job he had interviewed for which would bring some welcome relief to this 5 months of unemployment. I had auditioned for a show that I had always wanted to do and I had tickets to see my favorite band in the entire universe...RED. I had also planned on really getting on with my writing.
So- the hubby did not get the job- I did not get a part in the show- RED cancelled their concert- and I did not write much of anything. Yay! It seemed as if nothing was going according to my plan.
Here's what I am realizing this morning....we got to spend some time with a neat couple in the town my husband had the job interview in. We learned more about them and that they are the most gracious hosts you could ever want. I did my best at the tryouts and have no control at the outcome. It was simply not to be this time. But I do have some wonderful friends that I have met through drama and just because I am not in the show doesn't mean I will lose them. Some of my best pals in the world were with me when we found out the RED show was cancelled and they pooled their money together to buy me a necklace at the mall that has some symbols of my book on it. (cross, skull, lock, a wing, and a heart) They knew I was sooo disappointed and bummed out and showed their love for me by buying it.
When I got home last night, my best friend in all the world was there to listen to me share my feelings about all the crap that happened this week. I am so proud to say that next Saturday I will have been married to this friend for 23 years!
I got on Facebook last night to post what had happened and to check out what the band was saying about the cancellation. What it boiled down to was the venue was not safe. It was in a rough neighborhood- which is not a complete deal breaker with me- but the fact that it was dirty and had human waste on the floor of the bathrooms and the sound system was shot....was a deal breaker. I figured that RED did what was in the best interest of the fans. Yes I was bummed- but in the grand scheme of things...this was for our safety.
People from the venue had been posting things on their site that were not very nice at I posted that I still loved RED (which I do) and that we had talked to people that worked in the mall that had told us the venue was not great. Another fan liked my status and sent me a private message. After messaging each other I find out that RED is her ultimate favorite band, she has done the Acoustic Experience (met them on the tour bus) has kids, and is writing her first novel.
Yes- you saw that right...not only had I met a fellow REDhead- I had (through the cancellation of the show) just "met" someone who I could relate to. My fingers could not type fast enough to reply to her. I'm not sure what will happen with this...but I do know that I have another person to call my friend- and she is in good company.
I have learned this week that friends are what it's all about. I am finally beginning to get it through my thick skull that the best of friends will stick with you no matter what you are going through. No matter what your attitude is or if you yell because you are trying to deal with the emotions, or if you feel like pulling away..they will hold your arms so that you can't run.
Another friend gave me a coin that has a very Celtic looking cross on it on one side and the words on the other side read; "With God, all things are possible". Someone had walked into the store she was working in and gave it to her. She had just gotten finished reading my notes of FB about what a crummy week I had and Friday night she gave it to me at our Girls Night Out. I was deeply moved by her gift, just as I was with the ladies buying the necklace last night, and my husband waiting up for me last night so I could vent my feelings to him. Even through the mess of the cancelled RED show last night...I made a new friend.
No one lives in a vacuum. We all need people around us to encourage and support us. Until this week I did not realize how important our friends are- not only in the great times, but in the dark times.
It's funny- as I am typing this on our back deck, my raven pair is going crazy this morning. They are calling to each other and flying and dive bombing and moving from tree to tree. They are two sleek black encouragers sent by the Ultimate Friend to let me know to keep going with my writing. To keep sitting in that seat day after day after day and write.
So you see....they are all my Super Heroes! I love you guys!
Do you have friends that are there not only in the good times, but the tough ones too? Let them know today what they mean to you! You won't be sorry you did!
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